Officers decided to burn 3.3 tons of marijuana outside their police station, ‘the result was not what they had hoped for’!

According to the statement, when authorities reportedly arrested a criminal network that was smuggling more than 3 tons of extremely powerful marijuana, they made a big drug bust. Because cannabis is illegal in the country, authorities were anxious to get rid of it before it fell into the wrong hands. So, they decided to burn the 3.3 tons of marijuana outside their police station. But, unfortunately, the result was not what they had hoped for.

The police department’s attempt to get rid of drugs by burning marijuana plants ended up making many local residents “high.” Inhaling too much smoke from burning marijuana can result in feeling dizzy, having a headache, and experiencing euphoria. The police department made a major mistake because now locals are accidentally inhaling the THC in the air. Due to the local police, locals were subjected to marijuana smoke. Journalists who refused to keep silent about what the authorities had done and the blunder they had made by burning so many drugs in public view near townspeople were among those affected.

The authorities are also reported to have destroyed MDMA pills and crystal meth seized in the bust, in addition to marijuana. It’s conceivable that these substances poisoned those in the neighborhood and made them euphoric as well. The local residents were enraged that the burning cannabis was too strong and gave the air a tangy taste. The smoke in the air was so caustic and thick that people began to experience headaches and dizziness as a result.

Luckily, marijuana is not that dangerous. The euphoric effects of the drug last for a couple of hours at most and there are no life-threatening consequences. Symptoms like dizziness and headaches will pass, and the police should also move on next time they come across a big stash of weed while on duty. One resident named Deden said: ‘I got a headache because I wasn’t wearing a mask.’ A journalist reported having to ‘sit down and have a cup of tea’ to deal with the high. Officers also destroyed 1.8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 2,538 ecstasy pills by blending them. The destruction of the illicit substances was witnessed by several officials. The haul was valued at $1 million, according to Daily Mail.

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