The Scott County Fiscal Court received a $1.6 million check from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Transportation Alternatives Program

Scott County, KY – According to the statement, Governor Beshear awarded more than $2 million for various projects in Scott County.

State officials said that the funding will go towards the extension of the Legacy Trail, the streetscape and viaduct project in Georgetown and construction of a splash pad in Veterans Park in Sadieville. 

Gov. Beshear presented a ceremonial check for $1.6 million to the Scott County Fiscal Court from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)’s Transportation Alternatives Program.

The award will help extend and upgrade the Legacy Trail.

The trail in Scott County will connect to the existing Legacy Trail within Fayette County, providing a safer alternate route into both counties for commuters and recreational users alike.

The trail will include a trailhead and park-and-ride lot located just short of the western end of Jodphur Lane where the road bends east, officials said.

The trailhead will include five parking places including one Americans with Disabilities Act accessible (ADA) space, available exclusively for Legacy Trail users. An additional 210 parking spaces, six of which will be ADA spaces, will be available within the park for visitors from dusk till dark.

Funding will also go toward additional amenities, which will include improved sidewalk accessibility, a restroom facility adjacent to the multiuse path, a bike rack and repair station, landscaping, a stone pylon with trail mile marker, a limestone wall and a seating area. The trailhead will serve as a park and ride facility for users of the trail.

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