He gave his girlfriend a necklace, but year later reveals what was in it all along and she learned the stunning truth!

The brave man, Terry, reportedly gave his girlfriend a necklace that, unbeknownst to her, had an engagement ring hidden inside of it for an entire year before he proposed (video below). He said he gave his girlfriend, Anna, the necklace as a one-year anniversary present. The necklace was made of a Tasmanian wood called Huon pine. “I had always loved the idea of giving someone a gift where they didn’t know its true value until years later,” he told The Independent. “After my girlfriend and I had been together for eleven months I decided I wanted to ask her to marry me, but I wanted to do something unique. I also wanted to start doing wood carving and I had this idea for the necklace, so I decided I would give it a go. I found the ring I knew suited her and started working on it.”

Anna wore the necklace for a year-and-a-half without knowing that there was a ring inside. “There were some occasions where I was really worried; at one point, I thought she was going to trade it with a blacksmith at a market (the blacksmith loved the necklace, and she loved the blacksmith’s work) but luckily I didn’t need to crash tackle her,” Terry said. “My biggest moment of panic was when we went through airport security the first time. I hadn’t thought about the fact that she might be asked to put it through the X-Ray, which could have very quickly turned into an airport security proposal!”

Finally, in November, the couple decided to pop the question. “It had a really small amount of glue holding the two parts together,” he said of the necklace. “So I loosened it with a knife quickly before we took the picture (which broke the top part off unfortunately…) and then put it in my pocket ready.” Luckily, Anna didn’t see her boyfriend break the seal on the necklace. “Oh, I forgot to give you your necklace back,” Terry, an Australia native, said to Anna before getting down on one knee. “She stood there with this completely confused and dumbfounded look on her face, and when she finally worked out what had just happened, she yelled, ‘Yes!’ and pounced on me,” he said.

“It actually took her a couple of moments to understand that the ring had been in the necklace the entire time since I gave it to her. She flipped out — ‘Wait, it’s been in there the entire time?! I could have lost it, you f**king idiot!’ which was a hilarious mix of happy and angry.” A video of Terry’s proposal went viral, with many applauding the man for his unique way of asking the woman to marry her. “Dude you win best proposal of the decade for that one. Girl you better hang on to this guy cause he absolutely adores you,” one reader commented on Facebook. “Awesome way to propose and really cool way to keep a close eye on the two most important items in your life the ring and the great lady that came with it,” another added.

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