Governor Beshear presented a $200,000 Land & Water Conservation Fund award and a $68,810 Recreational Trails Program award for improvements at Bourbon County Park

Louisville, KENTUCKY – According to the statement, Governor Beshear also presented a $124,953 award for improvements at the Millersburg City Park.

State officials said that these funds will be administered by the Department for Local Government.

Gov. Beshear said:

“These investments show we are prioritizing outdoor spaces across the commonwealth to benefit our families. The awards presented today in Bourbon County will not only make a difference for Kentuckians, but they will also help this community continue to grow in the years to come.”

Bourbon County Park: Court Sports

Gov. Beshear presented a $200,000 LWCF grant to Bourbon County that will go toward building a court sports facility at Bourbon County Park. With the help of this grant, the county will develop two outdoor tennis courts, two outdoor basketball courts and one to two pickleball court(s).

The grant will be accompanied by a multi-million dollar investment by the county to construct baseball, softball, soccer and football fields, running and walking tracks, playgrounds, restroom and concession facilities, an agriculture and equine center, fairgrounds and more. These funds will hasten the court sports facility project and lessen the financial burden for Bourbon County.

Bourbon County Park: Walking and Jogging Trail

In addition to the $200,000 LWCF grant, Gov. Beshear also presented a $68,810 RTP grant to Bourbon County to build an 8-foot wide, .26-mile-long walking/jogging trail at Bourbon County Park. The path will create a continuous loop that will border a section of court sports within the park.

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