Doctor admitted he had ‘never seen anything like this’ when patient took off his socks!

According to Dr. Brad, one of his patients, David, told him that he has struggled to walk for a while. Ever since he developed the condition, he has never been able to lead a normal life. Not only are they a source of pain, but he is also embarrassed by his ‘stunning feet’ and the cause that has utterly ruined them. “My feet are just a train wreck, and I’m embarrassed about it,” he said. David also struggles to put his shoes on and off. Not only is it painful, but his toenails simply get in the way.

In an effort to spread awareness and educate the masses about feet and nail fungus, David went to see Dr. Brad. Per reports, the doctor was stunned when David showed him what had happened to his feet. Without knowing what else to do, the doctor set about sanding down David’s toenails because they had been untended for so long. Five years ago, David’s life was turned upside down. That’s when the toe and nail fungus struck him and has impeded his ability to walk. But pain is not the only thing. His feet are also very bizarre-looking, which makes him feel inadequate. The fungus struck him while he was at a low point in his life. He had just lost his beloved mother, so he fell into a depression and stopped taking care of himself. The fungus grew worse, and soon his feet were deteriorating.

On the program about feet, David accepted a visit with Dr. Brad, a renowned foot and ankle surgeon who said he could help David. However, David had to make one thing very clear before the doctor removed his socks and looked at his problem. “I just hope you didn’t have a big breakfast today. Man, you’re in a for a shocker!” David said. The doctor removed David’s socks to find that the fungus had completely consumed his feet. David’s toenails are overgrown and bizarrely layered. Besides that, the skin on his feet is very dry and flaky.

Dr. Brad was shocked as he examined David’s feet. “When I removed David’s socks, there was just flakes and flakes coming off of his feet,” he said, as David tries to hide his pain. “I’ve seen worse cases, but this is the worst case of toenail fungus that I have seen.” The doctor said, “David’s nails were so long that they were curling on top of each other, almost bridging together. His skin was flaking off. You could literally take little pieces of it off. It looked like a croissant.” Because David’s overall health was at risk, the doctor had to get to work. “I’m going to chip away at David’s toenails, and once they’re removed, I’m going to file them down, so it looks like a normal foot,” Dr. Brad said.

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