Doctor dropped woman’s baby during delivery, then told her these chilling words!

Per reports, the heartbroken woman, Kristal, has revealed how doctors dropped her stillborn baby during delivery and told her 8 chilling words that she will remember for the rest of her life. The brave woman recounted her experience in a devastating personal blog post. Kristal and her partner of three months Diego learned they were be expecting a new child. She wrote: “Since I was a young girl, I knew I wanted to be a mom. I’ve always joked that I was put on earth to be a mom.”

The couple held a gender reveal party and shared news of the baby’s arrival on social media, announcing they would name their new baby boy ‘Ian’. But five months into the pregnancy Kristal, then 23, began experiencing pains that caused concern. Doctors told her the problems were likely growing pains and said her 21-week scan in two days time would highlight any irregularities. However, the following day she was in constant agony and had Diego bring her to ER when he finished work.

She said: “I wish I would have done things differently. I wish I would have just listened to my gut telling me something was wrong.” Kristal was then informed she was in labour and leaking amniotic fluid that her baby needed to survive. The doctors reportedly told her they could either speed up her labour with medication or allow her body to take its course, with Kristal opting for the latter decision. When her waters broke, Kristal said the gravity of the situation dawned on her and she became inconsolable. “After two pushes, I was asked if I wanted to hold him but I wanted to deliver the placenta first. 

“I was so in shock, the [doctor] who delivered Ian dropped him when he came out and kept saying to me, ‘It’s OK, you’re young, you’ll have more, YOU are OK.’ My mom said she felt like he was going to be thrown away with all the trash – the way they handled Ian. “Since Ian was so tiny, he kind of slid right out and they failed to catch him.” Diego and Kristal were allowed to stay in in hospital for two days before they had to say their final goodbyes. A memory box with their son’s things, including a plaque of his tiny hands and feet, was given to them by a nurse before they left. Kristal said: “He is never forgotten and he is always in our thoughts and prayers. I know he is in my heart and that gives me comfort.”

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